It’s OK to Be the Turtle

Well, this is a first for me on my blog in sharing about a very personal and vulnerable part of my journey. I share this with you in the space of knowing that someone else out there needs to hear my story because it is also theirs. 

Last year I was introduced to a product by a friend of mine. It was something that is so ahead of its time in science and was bringing hope to so many people. So, I decided to give it a whirl.

I have been using these redox-signalling molecule products since last year and consistently on the max suggested dose the majority of this year… a decision that was made based on both my weight and the severity of the health issues I have been experiencing. To keep it in generalized terms, I have had a lifetime of chronic concerns: auto immune and pain mostly. More recently, over the last 6-9 months, the concerns have worsened to systemic infection and immune system response which have triggered frightening episodes that have had me asking the question, “If I fall asleep… will I wake up in the morning?” I have 6 children from ages 3 to 18. I was scared.

I spent the majority of my life doing things everyone else’s way when it came to my health. When my 24 year old brother (4 years younger than me) died of Metastatic Melanoma in 2010, I began to question everything in my own life… especially how I was taking care of myself in the health realm of things. That’s when I first got into looking at my health in a holistic way.

In short, the last 9 years, I have been the turtle. For example, it has been 2 years since going plant based and it has taken me that long to lose 25 pounds and I still have 125lbs left to go. – When I start a protocol it has seemed to take me a very long time to see results.

So, needless to say, when my friend shared about redox molecules with me and I saw people having results in days, weeks, even a month… I was excited.

That excitement was dimming quite a bit for me as months went on. The frustration set in of why is this working for everyone else but not me?!

I felt frustrated. I felt alone. I felt jealous. I felt angry at my body. It saddens me to say this, but as my symptoms and ‘episodes’ continued to get worse, I really started to feel like maybe it wasn’t part of my journey to get well.

Last month, I began working with a naturopath. A glimmer of light was there when I had my initial blood work done and saw a difference from the last time I had it done 2 years prior. She said to me, “Yes. There are issues. But we can work with this!” That’s the first time a doctor ever said that to me in my whole life. A doctor actually looked at my labs and said there was hope.

Yesterday marked 1 month since combining the protocol from my new doctor with the amazing redox molecule protocol.

Today marks 1 week of feeling more energy each day than I even felt as a teenager. Now, truthfully, my body doesn’t know what the heck to do with that energy yet HAHA! It’s a little like, “WOAH THERE, WOMAN! Take a nap!” 🤣 But more energy, less nausea, better appetite, only one ‘episode’ in the last month when I was having them a few times a week… it’s a HUGE step in the right direction.

So to all of you that are turtles…

Maybe you haven’t seen results yet. I see you. It can be hard to keep the faith when you see everyone around you on the upswing while you’re stuck down below.

I can’t tell you how long it’s going to take. But I CAN tell you that you’re going to learn something big from this and the results, if they take longer for you, are going to be worth it.

Give yourself some grace. Love your body for trying so hard for you. Forgive yourself for how you’ve treated your body in the past. Forgive your body for now adhering to your expectations and timeline. BELIEVE you are healing every single moment and that your body is functioning exactly as it should.

Learn to love being the turtle because, my dear, you’re going to have one hell of a story to tell in the end!


And besides. Turtles are cute. 



PS: Want to learn more about what I’m doing? Book a coffee chat with me: