organizing the squirrels

Organizing the Squirrels

Happy July! Hey organizing queens… I’m not sure where June went, but if you find it, will you let me know?! HA!

I have been a busy bee, already doing my normal first week of the month stuff from scheduling posts and emails to quadruple checking my schedule to making sure all my graphics are ready and on point for the month.

Being organized in this way has been a learned thing requiring dedication and practice on my part on a daily basis. I was not a born organized person and with my natal chart split almost evenly between Aquarius and Libra, it’s no surprise. (Hello AIR…. hello SQUIRRELS!)

There are a few things in my life that really keep me on track though and I’d like to share five of those with you today:

1. Keeping a consistent but flexible schedule and revisiting it often.
2. Following the lunar cycle… there’s a perfect time for everything!
3. Surrounding myself with like-minded people for support and accountability.
4. Celebrating my success along the way, no matter how big or small.
5. Being committed to understanding myself better and how I operate so that I can give myself more grace and love regularly!

That’s really the great thing. I come from a place of experience. It can be hard to learn to be organized and stay organized. I mean, I’ve come leaps and bounds but I still feel like I have a long way to go. The beautiful thing is that this experience in struggling with organization and focus has allowed me to come from a space of compassion for my clients.

Did you know that all these things are covered and included in my Your Life: Illuminated program?

YUP! Your Life: Illuminated is a group program that’s formed around the lunar cycle, helping you to achieve success in the areas of life that are the most important to YOU! It’s a great place for those who are organizing queens and those who aren’t. Today, I invite you to check out this unique sisterhood that’s only missing one thing… YOU!
