From Time to Amplify


I want to briefly thank everyone who had a part in my journey over the last year. To those who joyfully put on their working boots to help us gather and piece together a new life for our family and are still here on the other side of it, trust me when I tell you I wont ever forget. Gratitude doesn’t seem a strong enough word for what I have for you. I love you beyond measure.

From Catalyst to Time

Today is January 1st, 2023. I made the decision a few days ago to wait until today to write my USUAL annual blog about my word of the year. I wanted to be sure of my decision. I highlight the word USUAL today because as I logged on to begin writing, I noticed something. Last […]

From Intentional to Influence

From Intentional to Influence

Here we are. It’s almost time again. It’s time to INFLUENCE. Today is Wednesday, December 30th, 2020. Tomorrow, we’ll be celebrating the last day of 2020! Let’s be frank. This year, more are celebrating than it’s over rather than celebrating what an amazing year it was. It has been difficult for me this year in […]

Energy Update: July 2018

energy world

Last week, in my Illuminate Your Spirit community on Facebook, I shared a channeled energy update that’s a look at our focus points for the remainder of 2018. It’s amazing to me how powerful and energetic this message was coming through. Even my body was responding and reacting to the message as it flowed through […]

I LOVE Fall!


Fall has always been my favorite time of year. I LOVE fall. Now, mind you, fall here in Alabama isn’t what it always was for me up north. The leaves don’t quite change here like they did in New England. The weather doesn’t really get to that brisk-but-manageable temperature very often if at all. It […]