Episode 36: Joy in Beginnings

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Podcast Episode 36: Joy in Beginnings

Date Released: Monday, September 21, 2020

In this episode of the Project Joy Podcast, we are talking about Joy in Beginnings. Such a perfect topic on the heels of last week’s topic of Joy in Change! In this episode I also give a hint to a trick you can use when you’re having trouble finding joy in something specific. Also, starting out the show I share the joy we had in watching a movie this last week and the reminder it left with me! Remember, you can catch Project Joy Podcast LIVE every Monday morning at around 7:30am Central Time on The Breakthrough Show Facebook page!

Links to things I mentioned:

About Jessica Dugas: https://www.jessicadugas.com/my-story/

The Breakthrough Show: http://www.thebreakthroughshow.com 

Breakthrough Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thebreakthroughshow

Breakthrough Show Season 5 Casting: https://www.jessicadugas.com/thebreakthrough/casting/ 

Thanks for listening!

Check out this episode of the Project Joy Podcast!

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